QualCampus Exam Management System – For Online Exams & Assements
QualCampus Exam Management Software
Online exams and assessments have become increasingly important and MCQs are the most convenient way to conduct them. QualCampus Higher Education ERP offers an Online MCQ Quiz that comes equipped with a range of features designed specifically for schools, colleges, and universities, including:
Features of QualCampus Exam Management Module
- Create quizzes easily
- Map CO (Course Outcomes) to questions
- Schedule quizzes at your convenience
- Map CO (Course Outcomes) for NBA accreditation attainment calculations.

- Faculty can schedule the quiz and set a timer for its duration.
- The quiz becomes visible to students at the scheduled date and time in their login.
- Faculty can select which students can take the MCQ quiz.
- Quiz analytics are tracked online, including how many students are currently online and how many have completed the quiz.
- The faculty can view these analytics in real-time.
- Upload questions using Excel import utility
- Use same question sets for multiple classes and programs
- Enter questions with answer options using easy-to-use forms
- Randomize questions to prevent cheating.

- Before submitting their quiz, students can review a summary of their attempted questions and answers.
- The quiz system automatically logs off students when the timer reaches zero.
- Once a student has completed the quiz, the admin or faculty can display the results instantly.
- Timer provision for quizzes
- Automatic log off for students when time is up
- Quizzes have a specific duration of time.

- The quiz system allows students to attempt one question at a time.
- Students can navigate through the quiz and move forward or backward to other questions
- They have the option to return to a previous question and change their answer before submitting the quiz.